We have a designated Party Lawn near Tower B on the podium level which is available for family functions/parties. To help the host resident have an enjoyable function and ensure minimal inconvenience/disruption to other residents of our community and to prevent damage to our property, the following rules for the usage of the Party Lawn have been established.
- The Party Lawn is available only to residents on prior approval from the committee for family gatherings/parties. Hiring by a resident for an outsider or a friend’s/relative’s party is not allowed. Bookings are to be made at least One Week prior to the date of the party, and permission is based on availability on a first-come-first-serve basis. An application for permission on the ADDA app or in a prescribed format is to be filled, signed and submitted to the BMS office.   Â
- The nominal fee for exclusive use of the party lawn is Rs. 3,000/- per party, plus a refundable security deposit of Rs. 5,000/- (Charges are subject to revision). The charges and deposit are to be pre-paid to the BMS office along with the application as above. This facility can accommodate a maximum of about 80 persons. Approval will not be granted for parties where the guests are expected to increase beyond this number. Party lawn hire is limited to use of the party lawn only and does not include usage of
any of the other areas like the podium, building lobby, floor lobby, basement, clubhouse, swimming pool, gym, tennis court or games room etc. - The podium area adjacent to the party lawn needs to be left clear – chairs, tables, games etc. are not allowed outside of the lawn area.
- The facility nominal fee includes the use of the lawn and cooking/serving platform, pre-fitted party lights, connection for the music system and electric power (including DG backup power) and limited chairs, 2 tables and garbage bins. The BMS office will coordinate the support for the party. Other than simple decorations like buntings/balloons, no other temporary construction, prop and material for decoration is allowed.
- The closing time for any function will be 10.00 PM.
- Outside music/PA systems are not allowed and the installation of any outside instruments/equipment will be done only with approval from the BMS office. To minimise disturbance to residents, speakers will be allowed only in pre-designated positions facing away from the building under strict timings of 7.00 am to 10.00 pm at reasonable decibel levels only.
- In view of the limited visitor parking slots, some guest vehicles may obtain parking within the visitor parking slots (subject to availability after normal guest/visitor procedures are followed) or else need to be parked outside the premises. The security will inform the guests at the gate about the parking location.
- All catering material and supplies need to be routed from the parking lot and up to the podium from the poolside staircase entrance only and not from building lifts or lobby/staircase.
- Smoking is strictly prohibited. Liquor is strictly prohibited unless prior police permission is taken and a copy is shared in advance with the property manager.
- Pets and animals are not allowed on the podium level and party lawns (please refer section on Pets in the handbook).
- Garbage bins will be provided by the property managers and extra bins if required can be provided. The party lawn area must be cleared of all chairs, tables, party material, cooking utensils, etc. by 11.00 am on the following day (or by same evening for afternoon parties).
- While the cleaning will be done by the BMS staff, the host resident will ensure that the party lawn is cleaned up in time. Any extra cleaning or deep cleaning will be charged as extras and deducted from the deposit.
- In the case of damages to the property, lawns or facilities, the cost of repair will be recovered from the host resident through the security deposit or if exceeding the deposit, a separate demand will be placed.
- The host resident will hire the facility at their own risk and the BMS, residents and Residents Association/BoM will not be responsible for:
(i) personal safety of guests, (ii) theft, loss or damage of personal or hired belongings, or parked vehicles, (iii) violation of any municipal or local laws. (iv)Power outage or failure of facilities.